Case Study | The Lamkin Clinic


The Lamkin Clinic came to us with a problem they were having.

They needed more patients.

Their usual marketing channels of Facebook posts and email campaigns weren’t doing the job. They needed to find another channel to market their services, and they asked us for help.


We of course suggested using Facebook ad campaigns to drive traffic to their site, something they had never tried because they didn’t have anyone in the office with that type of marketing experience.

Soon after, we went to work to design them a complete marketing strategy for paid Facebook ads that would bring in new patients at an affordable cost.

Using custom photography of their actual patients at the clinic, we had imagery that would appeal to prospective clients who were looking to identify with others who tried the service and loved it.

We then created captivating copy which touched on real pain points that these people were experiencing; everything from weight gain to fatigue.

Finally, we designed a landing page that would get users to take action and sign up for an initial consultation.


Our efforts produced a local marketing strategy that would work with their moderate budget.

The messaging was tailored for different audiences so we spoke directly to each set of people, all of them interested in booking an appointment for a different reason.

By addressing each audience separately, we stood out from the pack of other med spas who spoke in generalized terms.

Prospects responded by setting up appointments to visit Dr. Lamkin and it wasn’t long before his calendar was booked.

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